Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Surprise Sales

I sold a couple of bowls last week which was a nice surprise. I haven't really been pushing mysef too hard when it comes to Etsy over the past month or so, mainly because i've been concentrating on doing my own thing and knitting and dyeing for my own pleasure which has been very rewarding. The biggest surprise was perhaps that i got a sale on Misi, a UK equivelant of Etsy. I have never had a sale on that site so i was quite excited and inspired to offer more on there in the future.

Felted Pebble Bowl (Sold on Misi)

Felted Peace Bowl (Sold on Etsy)

I have some new ideas for my bowls and some new yarns to try in the next coming weeks. I need to fill my shops up with other cute things and i have some (what i think are) cracking ideas for niche products too.
By the way, OH HI! new followers and commenters! I noticed i have gathered a few over the past two weeks. Thanks for joining me! May my inane ramblings never scare you away.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you're picking up new followers! And congrats on the sales! Nothing picks your spirit up quite like someone liking something you've made enough to pay for it!


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